Sunday, February 24, 2008

in which i stop doing homework (for a while)

There is only so much school a girl can take before she goes ballistic. And when all you are doing is staring at books and not hanging out with people outside of study groups, it's bound to happen sooner than later.

On Friday I cracked - I was so exhausted that I fell asleep in Theology recitation; woke up long enough to comment on the discussion then was out again. After killing myself all week catching up from being sick, that was the final straw. I thenceforth chucked homework out the window and did everything BUT homework for two solid days. I watched YouTube videos, read a work of fiction, watched a movie, went to a goodbye party, went to Bucer's until 12:33am to listen to Jazz music. And I slept in. Late. Really late.

And it was beautiful.


Melissa Dow said...

And she saw that it was good . . . =D

kidcardco said...

A carbon copy of me you say? Egads! I hope he wasn't too annoying! : )