Tuesday, November 11, 2008

every so often

I glance up from my books and realize just where I am. I'll see a teacher up front, classmates to either side, books everywhere and sit there for a moment wondering how on earth this happened. How did I get to be nearly two and a half years through my NSA career? I was walking through the halls this evening while History was in progress and felt a bit nostalgic. "Look at all the little sophomores," thought I, then grinned.

It's rather odd to think think that I'm nearly halfway through my third year of college and am starting to ponder post-NSA life. Perish the thought.

A highlight of this year has been voice - I'm still bitter that the Wilkins moved on to Seattle but now that I'm working with one of Bray's former teachers, I suppose I really can't complain. Now I know why he's so good. Pam is incredible and she knows my dressage to singing metaphors actually work and work well. *happiness*

The only sore point this the same as it as always been - the distinct lack of the equine.

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