Friday, May 23, 2008

i'm not crazy, i'm just a little insane

When people ask me what I did this summer, the answer will be something akin to "I spent two months out in the mountains of Montana without electricity or running water." And to prepare for the adventure, I've been breaking in my heavy duty paddock boots, learning the feel of a Leatherman, figuring out ways to make my hair look halfway decent without the usage of hairdryers/flat irons (ok, I'm a bit vain, I admit it), and wondering if I'm really ready for this.

Unless something drastic happens between now and June 2, I'll be a counselor/wrangler/woman of all work at Lone Ram Ranch, a Christian horse camp. The owners are great people with some great horses, and I am looking forward to working with them, but no there is electricity. *deep breath* I keep telling myself that back in the good ol' days no one had electricity and it didn't phase them in the least. But e-mail only on the weekends?

Be still my beating heart.

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