Friday, February 15, 2008

subtle warning signs

When you are abnormally tired, it may be more than "big load this week." (Tuesday)

When you are so tired you can't move, it may mean more that "been studying hard for that Greek midterm." (Wednesday morning)

When you're so tired you can't move and nauseous, it may mean more than "that coffee on top of Greek midterms nerves." (Wednesday afternoon)

When you're so tired you can't move, you're nauseous, you can barely talk and you ache all over, take the History quiz early, go home and crash. There is a very good chance that you are sick. (Thursday)

Thankfully I didn't miss any quizzes, although I did miss three classes and Disputatio. (Friday)

It was a good weekend to get sick and catch up on sleep.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Aw. :( I hope you feel better soon!