Sunday, December 14, 2008

the eve of battle

It is the night before finals. Snow falls steadily outside while inside numerous students are diligently pouring over their notes.

Open books, loose papers, a box of Wheat Thins, a half burnt candle, bits of torn paper, and a tea mug belonging to one of my roommates surround me as I attempt to wrap my stubborn brain around Roman philosophy. Very pragmatic folks, those Romans.

My commonplace book has fallen open to an incredibly famous quote:
Trojans, do not
trust in the horse. Whatever it may be,
I fear the Greeks, even when they bring gifts.
-Laocoon, from Virgil's Aeneid.

Aristotle is waiting for his writings to be actualized on my page. Virgil demands to be understood - "What makes me a stoic?!" And I say it was fate. All fate.

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