Wednesday, August 20, 2008

tornado watch

After two weeks of intense heat, the first week of school kicked off with a tornado watch. Yeah, you read that correctly. Moscow had a tornado watch. The rain poured down, the wind blew like nobody's business, and the lightning was fantastically huge. Despite the wind, no tornado materialized.

We had a hurricane instead. A hurricane called Jerusalem Term. They say that sophomore year is the hardest and in a way that's true. It's the unexpected, exhausting beginning of "Real Life" now that freshman year's boot camp is over. But Junior and Senior years were recently jacked up a notch, leaving me with the impression that this year's toughness quota will be very similar to last years, the main difference being that we've done this before. We're not fresh out of our first year. We're subdued.

We're Juniors.

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