Sunday, November 18, 2007

snowflakes keep falling on my head

Which says it all. Big, fluffy, fat flakes as thick as feathers after a pillow fight. Before Thanksgiving. Welcome Winter. And long wet tramps in the snow, complete with snowballs, letters from the dean advising against throwing them on Main St. and sledding.

It's been a busy weekend, catching up on all the movie watching that I've been getting behind on this term. Four in three days. Not bad. Just got back from watching "Sweeny Todd" (soon to be on the silver screen starring Johnny Depp) with several musical theater freaks. It was highly satisfactory, and yes, I did shriek at the climax. So I get a little absorbed.... The oddest side effect of the evening was finding my subsequent thoughts coming to me in song instead of your usual monotonal mutterings. Sadly I've been mildly sick, making my audible singing somewhat problematic. This, too, shall pass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It SNOWED? And I was gone for the first snow of the first year??!!! AAagggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I guess it was nice to be back in 80 degree weather for a bit. It was warm enough to be walking outside barefoot two days ago. And collecting plenty of mosquito bites. How was Thanksgiving? ttyl